Poofy Biographies
Stories by Nica Lorber and Jonathan Rayner.
Poofy Shuggie loves to dance, boogie, shuffle and prance. Her favorite thing is to bowl cabbages onto the dance floor to inspire people to make up new moves or suffer the consequences.
Poofy Algifu is an ancient Poofy who looks remarkably like a blackberry. Because of this, she spends a lot of time hiding from prospective pie ingredient gatherers. Her longevity is due to her excellent grass and flower camouflage.
Poofy Marcel Cozyreff is always ready to hang out. He loves spending time with animals of all sorts. He's been accepted into a gang of opossums, a group of eurasian beavers and regularly visits a tribe of yeti crabs. If you ever need a Poofy to go on an adventure with, Marcel is your guy.
Poofy Quintin loves tea. His poof flowers change colors based on what tea he drinks. His purple flowers are from his favorite oolong tea from Alishan Mountain in Taiwan.
Poofy Walcuff sparkles with magnificent colors, glows in the dark, and is a powerful creative genius. He also live in an alternate dimension.
Poofy Plactus has hardened artichoke leaves as an armour against having too many enthusiastic feelings. Because deep inside, Poofy Plactus is a sensitive, delicate soul.. a real softie that yearns to be loved. That is why he's offering you flowers.
Poofy Zuzzy likes to snuggle up in heater vents. She sometimes sneaks into the dryer to get fluffed up with all the clothes. She likes how it makes her hair look.
Poofy Muzzlesnuff loves fall. He burrows in leaf piles, makes cider, and harvests perfect plump pumpkins. He’s also an excellent bowler.
Poofy Poofus went out in the sun one day. He fell asleep. When he woke up, a sunburn turned his poof blue and he was holding a yellow balloon. Now Poofy Poofus wants you to have the balloon.
Poofy Yam spontaneously popped into existence after a truck hauling Yorkshire Gold Tea collided with another truck hauling fine tipped Sharpie pens. The ensuing crash produced a primordial ooze catalyzed by a strong El Niño storm. Poofy Yam also loves drinking tea, which is sort of cannibalistic.
Poofy Angela is a unique joyful poofy. She is prone to uncontrollable fits of giggles, outbursts of laughing and general gleeful misbehavior. She is great at parties and has the superpower to cheer up anybody.
Poofy Asparagus has a very robust legging collection. He makes them himself at his weekly craft group. Although this week they crafted felt hearts, which he wants you to have.
Poofy Leafball loves basking in the sunlight. Her leaves turn sunlight into electricity like solar panels. She uses this gift to aid random strangers in charging their phones.
Poofy Tree Fluff is from the Canadian Rockies and enjoys moss farming, rock stacking and baking elaborate gingerbread candy houses during the holidays. He is also a double dutch world champion.
Poofy Frawna likes to illegally pick flowers from highway medians. She is often blown around the road like a tumbleweed. You may find her stuck in your windshield wipers gnawing at the rubber while showing you her pretty flowers.
Poofy Frizzlemuff is very energetic. She enjoys a regular routine of jazzercise, jump-rope, and aerial cartwheeling. Her routine helps her poof flowers grow tall and strong. She also enjoys tacos and listening to Ira Glass.
Poofy Streusel likes desserts. Chocolate, brownies, strawberries and cream, cookies, creme brûlée, caramel, blueberries, fudge, and of course streusel. She also likes asparagus.
Poofy Alphonz has uncommon camouflage fur that enables him to hide in freshly mown grass. When not vexing unsuspecting golfers, Alphonz can be found eating golf balls or burrowing in well manicured sand traps.
Poofy Snarfiss loves drinking Natty Light and laxing out with senior citizens. Which is good because he lives in Florida. Snarfiss gets mistaken for a golden retriever sometimes due to his lush golden fur.
Poofy Latimore is half peacock. Being part peacock, he has a deep soulful voice with amazing range and perfect pitch. So he naturally picked up lounge singing for tips at the local vacuum repair shop. His favorite song to sing is “Quando, Quando, Quando”. It really gets the crowd moving.
Poofy Orange Yarn likes to practice the zen art of projecting love without blinking.
Poofy Pineapple is from Virgin Islands and enjoys yelling at tourists and terrorizing the local cat population. When not strutting about, Poofy Pineapple can be found playing the cajón in his band, Aggressive Fuzz, started with his uncle, Poofy Furcube.
Poofy Aziz is the sister of Poofy Pineapple. She enjoys enjoys mango hunting and sings in the band, Agressive Fuzz with Poofy Pineapple and uncle Poofy Furcube.
Poofy Arista is obsessed with blow drying her poof into the most perfectly coiffed curls. She pours over YouTube tutorials to learn the best techniques for achieving maximum silky poofitude. Then she tosses herself down a steep hill to embed flowers in her poof in just the right way.
Poofy Flouncy Puff is an avid environmentalist who loves to compost. She uses compost on her poof to keeps her curls perfectly coiffed. She grows seasonal hairstyle flowers all year long.
Ollie is magically blessed with a perfect curly poof. The magic comes from a 6 leafed clover that Ollie found while prancing thru Ireland. She ate the magic clover. Nothing happened. She has always looked this way.
Poofy Potato loves to do magic. Here he is shown producing an exploding heart bouquet out of thin air. Magic is easy for him. He hides everything in his poof. He has a ham sandwich, a Big Gulp and bag of clothes he needs to drop off at Goodwill stuffed in there right now.